What if All I Want is a Mediocre Life

“What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful. ~ Dalai Lama

Recently I read a beautiful piece titled “What if all I want is a mediocre life”.  The writer emphasized that the world is always pushing us to be better, to hustle, to improve, strive for excellence. The mandate we so often follow in our, social media inundated, everything is always happy, I am amazing, look at me, world is go big or go home. It was a good read. But I disagree with her concept of mediocrity. The life she described is not mediocre in any way. I believe the kind of life described is really full of envious accomplishments. The mediocre life she describes could be the ultimate goal that many people are striving toward. Maybe it’s even the ultimate sign of a purposeful life. As a Life Coach I usually encounter clients who want to experience more happiness, fulfillment and a purposeful life. They often express concerns over a lot of things including not knowing what they want in life and how to traverse many of life’s challenges. This is something we all have to contend with daily. How do you describe success for yourself these days? Is it about material possession? Power? Being content? Determining your own schedule? Being happy?  As humans it’s in our intrinsic nature to satisfy certain desires and cravings. So when will an individual really experience a sense of fulfillment?

Your Life Purpose Is Not Your Ego.

As humans we are often coerced into thinking that life’s purpose equals been financially stable, establishing a career, holding power, competing (and winning) etc. Despite the fact that we realize we aren’t fulfilled with these success’ traps, still we adhere to our delusions because they’re all we know. Have you ever thought about the fact that maybe purpose has nothing to do with what we do for a living; maybe it’s simply about discovering our authentic self. It takes a deep knowledge of self, intelligence, self-possession, and maturity to successfully resist the magnetic pull of campaigns that are constantly broadcasting to your ego. These ego feeding campaigns continuously seep into your consciousness and steers you further from your path. That’s why most people never seem to achieve their life’s purpose because they are bedazzled by the glorious things that the world is focused on. They literarily do not have the interest to discover their inner self which is vital to connecting with their life purpose. Although, your ego helps you to establish yourself in the world, it usually works against discovering your life’s purpose. The truth is that when you’re blindly focused on yourself, striving to accomplish your goals with whatever means possible, your purpose becomes obscured. Your ego blocks it. Once you learn to let go of self-interest and focus more clearly on recognizing your true self, your purpose becomes clearer. Discovering your authentic self opens the door to finding out what your core values are. It also exposes your secret desires and imagination. Your capacity for generosity, love and empathy are all uniquely related to finding out your life’s purpose. As you to strive to weaken the stranglehold of self-interest, you are taking a giant leap towards discovering your life’s purpose. Learn from the choices you’ve made over the years and your way of life, these can serve as important pointers in relation to your deeper life purpose. Start by looking ‘outside’ yourself – your commitment, choices etc. This reveals a lot about your inner self. Try to find out if there seems to be resonance or not. This doesn’t mean that you should try to find your life purpose by fine tuning some of your life choices, rather the idea is to learn all that you can. Find out what it tells you about our inner vision, longings, and predilections. Once you feel a pull towards some activity or goals that reflects your purpose, pursue it with great intensity.

The more you consciously infuse your emotions, thoughts, and behavior with positive, energy – kindness, generosity, and compassion – you’re keeping your ego at bay and more likely to see your true purpose with a greater clarity. This may seem really hard at first, however remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson – “Whatever decision you make, there is always somebody to tell you that it’s wrong”.There will always be challenges along the way; to map out a course of action and follow it all the way requires courage.

Christopher is the Chief Value Officer and Founder of Change My Life Coaching and Co-Founder of Change My Business Coaching and the Healthy Transformations Weight Loss & Inflammation Reduction Program.  Change my Life Coaching is a fast growing whole-life, leadership and business coaching company, and the only one of it’s kind.  He is also the author of “Go Beyond Passion: Discover Your Dream Job”. Christopher spent 15+ years working in the corporate world with a plethora of industries and companies. His focus was primarily in planning, strategy, and leadership of change management and communication. Christopher is a Certified Master Coach Practitioner (CMCP), trainer and facilitator, and a passionate public speaker who truly cares about the success of each and every single person he comes into contact with. You can reach him at [email protected].



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